It is the Great Writer Chaucer!

Here are the questions you are supposed to take into account while organizing your paragraph.

Imagine you are a character in one of the Canterbury Tales. What type of story would you share, and how would it reflect your own experiences or beliefs?

How do you think the use of Middle English in the Canterbury Tales contributed to its innovation and impact during a time when writing in English was not widely accepted?

In what ways does Chaucer's inclusion of anti-Semitic themes in some tales reflect the prevailing attitudes of medieval Europe, and how might it be interpreted in a contemporary context?

If you were to update one of the Canterbury Tales to a modern setting, which tale would you choose and how would you adapt it to resonate with today's readers?

The Canterbury Tales is often considered a snapshot of medieval culture. If you could add a new tale to the collection that represents a contemporary social issue, what would the theme be and who would tell the story?